When I was arrested in the Portland airport by the FBI on May 2, 2022 I spent a night in the Multnomah county jail. One of the most surprising aspects of my experience was that I seemed to be the only one there that night who had never been there before. Everyone else being processed at the same time as me seemed to know where to go and what to do. It just showed me the sad reality that most people who go to jail or prison have been there before and the “correctional” institutions do little to correct their behavior.
When I was processed I made numerous fingerprints then went to a large room with a TV and uncomfortable chairs to be wait to be called. It was similar to a waiting room at a doctor’s office except I was waiting with people who were clearly coming off drugs or exhibiting anti-social demeanors. First I was called open by an officer who took my basic biographical information then I went through a process to setup the phone system so I could use it. This involved reading a list of words from a sheet to an automated robot. What I was doing was training a voice model to recognize my voice and listen into all my calls. After this I did try to make a phone call to Gwen and eventually got through to her after several tries. It was then that she learned that I got arrested for security fraud. I told her I loved her, and I would probably be released the next day after I appeared before a judge.

When I finally finished the processing process I was assigned a cell which I happily entered thinking I could make good use of the bed. Unfortunately sleep did not come for me that night. I spent the night worrying and praying. I thought about everything I told the FBI, what might happen to me and my family. As I laid awake I had no indication of the passage of time except a small window through which light from the rising sun shown when the morning finally came. I got on the top bunk to get a better view of the sun. It was then I saw sketched in the window frame, “Cristo la Luz del Mundo.” Which means “Jesus is the light of the world.” It was a reminder to me that God still has everything under control, and he will works all things together for good for those who love him. Even in the valley of the shadow of death Christ’s light shines and brought me encouragement when I needed it most.
I did appear before a judge who granted my pretrial release which was an answer to prayer but the stress and worry did not end. While trying to find an attorney, we discovered the Securities and Exchange Commission was also suing us in civil court and had obtained a restraining order to freeze all of our bank accounts and assets. There are four government agencies trying to seize all of our assets. In spite of this the Lord has faithfully provided and we have lacked nothing during this trying time.
Eventually, I accepted a plea agreement and was given a sentence of 28 months in federal prison. Tomorrow I will surrender to prison. Though this has been fraught with much worry and trauma, I feel God’s peace with me. I know He will be with me in prison and will not forsake my family while I am gone. It will not be easy but I will be out eventually; with the Lord nothing is wasted.
Thank you for your support and prayers.
David I think God has you in CA for a special reason. You need to bring His light into that dark place. There is at least one that God want you there for.
You are daily in our thoughts and prayers. Good will go with you!
Praying for you and your family!
Our church prayed for you and your family yesterday and will continue reminding God of your needs. You are completely known and loved by the Father. Your quite voice will echo in these halls of despair. You are representing Jesus everywhere you go and He will give you the boldness of Peter when you need it to do God’s will. You are growing exponentially with Him right now and your faith will be seen as a bright light by all.
David, I have been praying for you and your family for quite some time now after knowing what had happened I know that God will be with you while you’re in there right along the side of you or even carrying you through this whole time. And I remember the Bible verse from Philippians 4:13 which says I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Also thank God for what we have and trust God for what we need and I believe that our Lord will be there to provide and be with you and your family during this time I will continue to pray for you all.
Although I have not seen you all, I pray for you and your family daily. I love you, David stone, my brother in Christ and I know that you will make a huge impact and I hope Gwen knows I’m only a phone call away if she needs anything at all. It may not seem like it right now, but God is definitely going to use you in a mightier way than you’ve ever imagined. I have family in a prison in California through federal. Do you know which one you’re going to?
He is at Lompoc. Thank you Cricelda!